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Rico's Nerd Cluster
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Deep Learning
Computer Vision
Build Systems
Web Devel
Autonomous Vehicle
Classical Machine Learning
Fun Reads
Oil and Gas
Raspberry Pi
Software Developer's Career Tips
Robotics - [Epic Bugs] SLAM Related Bugs
Robotics - [Epic Bugs] SLAM Related Bugs
Robotics - A Survey On Oil Pipe Inspection Robotics (Revising)
Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation] Ros2 Bags
Robotics - ROS2 Service
How to Bring Up a Service
Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation] Ros2 Executor Callback Model
Executor, Callbacks, Threading Model, Rate Object
Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation] Ros2 Parameters
Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation 3] ROS2 Build System
Various Things to Note For Building Dockerized ROS2 App
Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation 2] ROS2 in Docker
Various Things to Note For Building Dockerized ROS2 App
Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation - 1] DDS Notes
DDS, Zeroconf, IDL, FastRTPS, ROS2 Messaging Mechanism
Robotics General Design Notes
What's New In ROS2
Robotics - ROS2 Tools
Ros2 Doctor, Ros2 Topic, Ros2 Multicast
Robotics - ROS2 Basic Pub Sub Node
ROS2 Installation, Packaging & Build System
Robotics - ROS2 Gazebo Differential Drive Onboard
ROS2, Gazebo
Robotics - Waveshare Rover Configuration
ROS2, Waveshare
Robotics - Differences and Similarities Between ROS1 & ROS2
Similarities, Differences, Bag Conversions
Robotics - 2024 3D Lidar Selection For Robotics
Livox, Unitree Lidars
RGBD SLAM - Amazon SageMaker Usage Notes
Amazon SageMaker, EC2 Instances
Summary Of Nvidia Orin Nano Setup, Docker For General Machine Learning
RGBD SLAM - Building A ROS 2 Docker Container For Object Detection
ROS 2 Docker Container For Object Detection Training And Inferencing
RGBD SLAM - What Deteriorates Its Performance
Lessons Learned From My RGBD SLAM Project. Updates Come In Anytime
RGBD SLAM Bundle Adjustment Part 2
RGBD SLAM Backend, G2O
RGBD SLAM - Bundle Adjustment From Zero To Hero, Part 1, Theories
RGBD SLAM Backend Introduction
RGBD SLAM - The PnP Problem
Solving the PnP problem - turning pixels into 3D positions!
More On Motion Estimation
5 Point Algorithm, How to solve DLT, and 8 point algorithm
Motion Estimation From Epipolar Constraints
This is an Introduction of Epipolar Constraints and 2D-2D Motion Estimation
Docker Compose
Autonomous Vehicle Introduction
Docker Image Building
Dockerfile, Image Management
Tools - OpenCV, Eigen, Sophus
A Running List of Opencv and Eigen Tools
Things About Leetcode Before That Coding Interview
Leetcode IDE Tips, Common Leetcode Problems, C++ Commands, String
Virtual Network Computing (VNC)
Graphical Desktop Environment
Robotics - [2D SLAM 1] Hands-On Mapping
Point-Point ICP, Point-Line ICP
Robotics - Gauss Newton (GN) and Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Optimizers
Newton's Method, GN, LM optimizers
Robotics - [2D SLAM 2] Map Generation
Submap Generation
Robotics - [2D SLAM 1] Introduction and Scan Matching
Point-Point ICP, Point-Line ICP
Robotics - Point Cloud Processing and KNN Problem
Bruteforce KNN Search, KD Tree, OctoTree
Point Cloud Library
C++ - Datastructures
Priority Queue
ROS Infrastructure Notes
A Running List of ROS Infrastructure I found Useful
Robotics - [ESKF Series 3] Motivational Example Of Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF)
Robotics - [ESKF Series 4] Full Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF) in GNSS-Inertial Navigation System (GINS)
Robotics - [ESKF Series 5] Why Using Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF) For IMU
Robotics - IMU Pre-integration Model
Pre-Integration Model
Robotics - IMU Pre-integration Optimization Implementation
How To Integrate IMU Pre-Integration into G2O with Odometry and GNSS
Robotics - [ESKF Series 1] IMU Model
Specific Force, IMU model
Robotics Fundamentals - Velocities
Velocities, Accelerations, Derivative of Rotations
Robotics Fundamentals - Kalman Filter
Kalman Filter Framework, Proofs With Minimizing Error Covariance
Robotics Fundamentals - Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
Kalman Filter Framework
Robotics - Quaternion Kinematics
Definition of Quaternion, Relationship Between Quaternion and Rotation Matrix
Robotics Fundamentals - Rotations
Representation of Rotations, Gimbal Lock
Robotics Fundamentals - [ESKF Series 2] GPS and Its Coordinate System
RTK GPS, UTM Coordinates
Robotics - ROS1 Build Systems
catkin build, catkin make
Robotics - ROS1 Message Processing
Image Data
C++ - Common General Sofware Design Pricinples
Coupling & Cohesion, Rico's Software Development Philosophy
Web Devel - web-crawler-toyota-rav4-crawler
Google Drive
Web Devel - Storing Data on Google Drive
Google Drive
Raspberry Pi 4B
Serial Setup, Ubuntu Core
CMake - Concepts and Options
CMake Concepts, Compile Options, Commands, CMake-Format, Header-Only Library, Static Library
ROS1 Infrastructure Notes
A Running List of ROS1 Infrastructure I found Useful
My Journey Into CUDA
GPU Architecture, Tensor Cores, SIMD SIMT, Pinned Memory
Bash Magic
Bash is great. Here is a list of bash tricks & knowledge points that I found magical
C++ - [Memory Access - 1] Layout
C++ Profiling and Speed Ups
gprof, CMake Release and Debug BoilerPlate, CMake Settings
C++ - Writing GTest for ROS
Test! Test! Test!
C++ - Writing GTest for ROS
Test! Test! Test!
GDB for ROS, Core Dump
C++ - [OOP] Members
Member Attributes and Methods, Copy, Move
C++ - [OOP] Members
Member Attributes and Methods, Copy, Move
C++ - Iterators
C++ - [OOP] Polymorphism - Virtual Functions and Virtual Inheritance
Virtual is virtually complicated. Dynamic Dispatch, Dreadful Diamond Derivative (DDD) Problem ...
C++ - [OOP] Initialization
Default Initialization, Memory Order
C++ - Friends
Friend Class, Friend Function, Inner Class
C++ - [Concurrency 3] Memory Model
C++ - [Concurrency 2] Coroutine
C++ - [Concurrency 1] Various Concurrent Methods
Vectorization, `std::launch`, Lockless array writes, OpenMP, SIMD
C++ - Coding Styles
C++ - Language Properties
Zero-Overhead Abstraction, Garbage-Collection-Free, Endianness Handling
C++ - Functions, Lambda
Lambda, Functors
C++ - Templates
Non-Type Template Parameters, requires, concept
C++ - Static Functions And Keyword
Static Functions And Keyword
C++ - Enum
Static Functions And Keyword
C++ - Cpp14, 17, 20 Features
Lambda Capture
C++ - Constness
constexpr, if constexpr
Common Robotics CPP Software Packages
C++ - Linkage
In C++, Linkage is Either External Or Internal
C++ - Container Operations
Vector, Map, Algorithms
C++ - Pointers
Raw Pointers
C++ - Casting
Ever tried convincing your boss that your need for vacation is a 'const' by using const_cast? Welcome to C++ casting!
C++ - Algorithm Functions
minmax_element, min_element, reduce, transform, numeric
C++ - Numeric
C++ - Sizing and Type Conversion
Memory Alignment, Sizeof, Integral Promotion
C++ - Control Flow
switch-case, cpp20 range, DSL
C++ - Useful Macros
Why do we still need macros for C++? Please click in and take a look!
C++ - Operators
Basic Operators
C++ - Lvalue and Rvalue Reference
Reference Lifetime
C++ - Bit Operations
A Mumbo Jumbo List About Bit and Byte Operations
C++ - Erase Remove
An efficient in-place way to remove elements in a container
C++ - Datatypes
std::optional, structural binding, iostream
Deep Learning - Designing Machine Learning Systems Notes
Deep Learning - Spatial Pyramid Pooling
SPP, Ablation Study
Deep Learning - Deeplab Series Theories
Deeplab, ASPP
Deep Learning - MobilenetV2 Hands-On
Inverted Skip Connection, Multiclass Classification
Deep Learning - Mask RCNN Hands-On
Deep Learning - PyTorch Profiling
PyTorch Profiler
Deep Learning - Tools
wandb, tqdm
Deep Learning - Knowledge Distillation
Knowledge Distillation
Deep Learning - Model Deployment
Model Deployment
Deep Learning - Inferencing
Autograd Profiler
Deep Learning - Strategies Part 1 Before Model Training
Error Metrics, Data Preparation Principles, Transfer Learning, Multi-Task Learning
Deep Learning - Strategies Part 2 Training And Tuning
Bias And Variance, And Things To Try For Performance Improvement From My Experience
Deep Learning - Common Oopsies
Underflow, Weight Manipulation
Deep Learning - Speedup Tricks
Torch Optimizer Tricks, Mixed Precision Training
Deep Learning - Mixed Floating Point Training
FP16, BF16, Mixed Precision Training
Deep Learning - Data Augmentations
Deep Learning - PyTorch Data Loading
RESNET-50 Data Loading, Data Transforms, Custom Data Loading
Deep Learning - Bert
Deep Learning - Bert
Deep Learning - Neural Machine Translation
Hands-On Attention Project
Deep Learning - Speech Recognition Hands On
GRU-Based Trigger Word Detection
Deep Learning - Speech Recognition
Audio Signal Processing, Spectogram
Deep Learning - Transformer Series 5 - Transformer Hands On
Hands-On Transformer Training and Validation
Deep Learning - Neural Machine Translation
Hands-On Attention Project
Deep Learning - Transformer Series 4 - Transformer All Together
Encoder, Decoder
Deep Learning - Transformer Series 2 Vanilla Attention Mechanism
Attention Intuition, Query-Key-Value, Bahdanau Attention, Scaled-Dot Attention
Deep Learning - Transformer Series 3 - Multi-Head and Self Attention
Multi-Head Attention, Self Attention, Comparison of Self Attention Against CNN, RNN
Deep Learning - Transformer Series 1 - Embedding Pre-Processing
Positional Encoding, Padding Mask, Look-ahead Mask, Tokenization
Deep Learning - Sequence to Sequence Models
seq2seq, encoder-decoder architecture, beam model, Bleu Score
Deep Learning - Word Emojifier Using Dense and LSTM Layers
Deep Learning - Hands-On Embedding Similarity
Similarity and Debiasing
Deep Learning - Hands-On Dinosour Name Generator Using RNN
Deep Learning - PyTorch Versioning And Memory Allocation
In-Place and Out-of_Place Matrix Ops, Gradient Checkpointing
Deep Learning - Word Embeddings, Word2Vec
Word Representation
Deep Learning - RNN Part 3 LSTM, Bi-Directional RNN, Deep RNN
Deep Learning - RNN Part 2 GRU
Vanishing Gradients of RNN, GRU
Deep Learning - RNN
Sequence Models, RNN Architectures
Deep Learning - PyTorch Model Training
Checkpointing, Op Determinisim, 🤗 HuggingFace Trainer
Deep Learning - Ensemble
Deep Learning - Neural Style Transfer
What Conv Net Is Learning
Deep Learning - Face Recognition
Siamese Network, Deep Face
Deep Learning - Face Recognition Prelude
2D Frontalization, 3D Face Alignment
Deep Learning - Hands-On YOLO V1 Transfer Learning
YOLO V1 Theory & Transfer Learning
Deep Learning - Hands-On UNet Image Segmentation From Scratch
Deep Learning - Performance Metrics
mean Average Precision (mAP), Precision, Recall, ROC Curve, F1 Score
Deep Learning - Object Detection Notes Part 2
Deep Learning - Image Segmentation
Encoder-Decoder, Fully-Convolutional Networks (FCN), U-Net
Deep Learning - Object Detection Notes Part 1
Convolution Implementation of Sliding Window, OverFeat
Deep Learning - Hands-On ResNet Transfer Learning For CIFAR-10 Dataset
Data Normalization, Conv Net Training
Deep Learning - Classic CNN Models
LeNet-5, AlexNet, VGG-16, ResNet-50, One-by-One Convolution, Inception Network
Deep Learning - CNN Applications
TensorFlow Keras Sequential and Functional Models
Deep Learning - CNN Basics
Filters, Padding, Convolution and Its Back Propagation, Receptive Field
Deep Learning - PyTorch Basics
Neural Network Model Components, Common Operations
Deep Learning - Start Easy, Things I Learned From Training Small Neural Nets
Basic Torch Network With Some Notes on Syntax
Deep Learning - TensorFlow Basics
Nothing Fancy, Just A Basic TF Network
Deep Learning - Softmax And Cross Entropy Loss
Softmax, Cross Entropy Loss, and MLE
Deep Learning - Hyper Parameter Tuning
It finally comes down to how much compute we have, actually...
Deep Learning - Batch Normalization (BN)
Internal Covariate Shift
Deep Learning - Layer Normalization
Normalization For Sequential Data
Deep Learning - Optimizations Part 1
Momentum, RMSProp, Adam, AdamW, Learning Rate Decay, Local Minima, Gradient Clipping
Deep Learning - Exploding And Vanishing Gradients
When in doubt, be courageous, try things out, and see what happens! - James Dellinger
Deep Learning - Overfitting
Bias, Variance, Overfitting, Regularization, Dropout
Deep Learning - Batch Gradient Descent
Batch Gradient Descent, Mini-Batch
Deep Learning - Activation and Loss Functions
Sigmoid, ReLU, GELU Tanh, Mean Squared Error, Mean Absolute Error, Cross Entropy Loss, Hinge Loss, Huber Loss, IoU Loss, Dice Loss, Focal Loss
Deep Learning - Auto Differentiator From Scratch
Auto Diff Is The Dark Magic Of All Dark Magics Of Deep Learning
Deep Learning - Introduction
Why Do We Even Need Deep Neuralnets? Data Partition, ML Ops, Data Normalization
Deep Learning - Gradient Checking
First Step To Debugging A Neural Net
Computer Vision - Pinhole Camera Model
This Blog Shows How A Small Magic Peek Hole Captures The World
Computer Vision - Random Tree
Random Tree
Computer Vision - Image Downsampling
Bicubic, Bilinear, Nearest Neighbor Interpolation, Ringing Effect
Computer Vision - ORB Features And Matching
This Blog Shows The Theory and Implementation From Scratch of ORB Features
Computer Vision - Harris Corner Detector
Do Not Cut Corners on Corner Detector - It Will See It
Computer Vision - Heuristic Algorithms
K Means
Computer Vision - Image Gradient
Sobel Operator, Signed Distance Field
Computer Vision - Warping
Affine Transformation, Perspective Warping, Non-Linear Warping.
Computer Vision - Non Maximum Suppression
Non Maximum Suppression (NMS), Intersection over Union (IoU), TensorFlow non_max_suppression
Computer Vision - Blurring
Gaussian Blurring (Under Active Updates)
Git - Workflows
Git Test Runners, CI/CD, PyPi
Python - Numpy View and Contiguous Array
Arduino Notes
Python - Numpy and Pandas Operations
A Mumbo Jumbo Of Numpy and Pandas Operations and Examples
Python - Python Subprocessing
Python - Python Packaging System
Python - Poetry Packaging System and Pip
Poetry, Pip
Python - How To Write Pytest
Pytest Is The New Black (Compared To Unittest)
Python - Enums
Enum, IntEnum
Python - Jupyter Notebook Common Magic Commands
Jupyter Notebook Common Magic Commands
Python - Python Iterables
Iterable, Itertools, Round Robin Counter
Python - Functions
Map-Reduce-Filter, Lambda (Under Active Updates)
Python - Python Misc, os, shutil
Sys, Print, Argparse Path-Related Utils
Google Drive
Debugging ROS2 Projects, Remote SSH
Docker - Docker Basics
What is Docker, Basic Docker Operations, Docker Run
Linux - Operating System
Paging, Concurrency
Linux Miscellaneous Thingies
Window Focus, Screenshots, File Differences, Formats, Shortkeys, UART, Tmux
Linux - Udev Rules And Systemd Services
Udev Rules Systemd Services
Linux - SSH and X Window System
X Window System, SSH, Static IP
Electronics - General Science Facts
Adiabatic Cooling
Literature - The Wealthy Barber Notes
Financial Literacy
Electronics - General Electronics Notes
Encoders, Motors, Testing
Electronics - EMF and Eddy Current
Electronics - Communication Protocols
Encoding / Decoding, Error Checking (CRC)
Electronics - Embedded Systems Notes
Math - Linear Fitting
Plane Fitting, Line Fitting
Math - Lie Group
Group Definition, Lie Group and Lie Algebras, Skew Matrices, Manifold, SO(3) Derivatives
Math - SO(3) Perturbations
Left Perturbation, Right Perturbation, BCH Formula
Math - MAP(Maximum A-Posteriori) and MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimate)
Likelihood vs Probabilities
Math - Multivariate Normal Distribution
PDF, Linear Transformation
Math - Null Space and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
How to find Null Space? How to implement that using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)?
Math - t-SNE
Math - Stats Basics Recap
Basic Statistics Concepts, Regression, Distributions, Covariance & Correlation
Math - Interpoloation
Linear, Cubic, Bicubic Splines
Math - Distance Metrics
KL Divergence , Chi-Squared Similarity
Math - Matrix Derivatives
Jacobian and Hessian, Vector-Vector Derivative
Math - Positive Definiteness and Cholesky Decomposition
A matrix is positive definite, if it always sees the glass as half full. But why does the matrix still go to therapy? To break down its issues with Cholesky decomposition. Just Joking.
Math - Eigen Value, Eigen Vector, and Eigen Value Decomposition
What is Eigen Value Decomposition?
Math Trigonometry Review
Math - Different Types Of Convolutions
Transpose Convolution (U-Net), Dilated Convolution (DeepLab)
Math - Gram Schmidt Orthogonolization And QR Decomposition
Gram Matrix; Super useful in finding forming an orthogonal vector basis, e.g., Singular Value Decomposition
Math - Various Useful Forms Of Matrix Multiplication
Inner & outer Product, Correlation Matrix, Matrix Inverse etc.