Rico's Nerd Cluster

「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」

Point Cloud Library

Point Infrastructure Point Cloud Members PointCloud Type includes points: point vector PointTypes PointType include: pcl::PointXYZ pcl::PointXYZI pcl::PointXYZRGB pcl::PointXYZRGB...

ROS Infrastructure Notes

A Running List of ROS Infrastructure I found Useful

ROS Actions The ROS Action really is a mechanism that keeps track of the exeuction state of a task. ROS Actions are built on top of ROS topics. Lifetime of ROS Actions Pending : The goal...

Robotics - IMU Pre-integration Optimization Implementation

How To Integrate IMU Pre-Integration into G2O with Odometry and GNSS

G2O Recap - What’s An Edge A single edge is a “difference” between two conceptual entities. The entities are conceptual because they don’t need to map exactly to your implementation. For example, ...

Robotics - IMU Pre-integration Model

Pre-Integration Model

Motivation In previous posts, we have seen the ESKF framework, where IMU data is fused with observations (GNSS, encoders) following this incremenetal order: 1 ESKF Prediction with IMU | ESKF Pred...

Robotics - [ESKF Series 5] Why Using Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF) For IMU


ESKF Handles Rotations on SO(3) Better Key issue: Rotations lie on the special orthogonal group SO(3), which is a nonlinear manifold (not a simple vector space like position). A standard EKF typic...

Robotics - [ESKF Series 4] Full Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF) in GNSS-Inertial Navigation System (GINS)


If you haven’t checked out a motivational 2D robot example of ESKF, please check here. In this post, $\oplus$ is the “generic add”, which “adds” on a manifold. ESKF (On Manifold) in GINS (GPS-Int...

Robotics - [ESKF Series 3] Motivational Example Of Error-State Kalman Filter (ESKF)


Motivating Example We use the same example as the one in the EKF post: imagine our world has two cones with known locations: c1, c2, and a diff drive with wheel encoders and a cone detector. T...

Robotics - [ESKF Series 1] IMU Model

Specific Force, IMU model

Introduction The IMU is a very common localization device. One can find it in most electronics nowadays: cars, smart watches, phones, even soccer balls. Knowing how IMU works could be a long proce...

Robotics Fundamentals - Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)

Kalman Filter Framework

Welcome To EKF - A Diff Drive Example EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) is widely applied in robotics to smooth sensor noises to get a better estimate of a car’s position. Now let’s take a look at a d...

Robotics Fundamentals - Kalman Filter

Kalman Filter Framework, Proofs With Minimizing Error Covariance

Kalman Filter FrameWork - Welcome to KF SLAM is a state estimation problem. A typical state estimation framework in discrete time is: \[\begin{gather*} \begin{cases} x_k = f(x_{k-1}, u_k) + ...