Rico's Nerd Cluster

「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」

More On Motion Estimation

5 Point Algorithm, How to solve DLT, and 8 point algorithm

Why Do We Still Need Multi-View Geometry, In 2024? LLMs are everywhere now. However, they are rarely seen in 3D scene reconstruction except for those on depth learning from single images. Dong et ...

Motion Estimation From Epipolar Constraints

This is an Introduction of Epipolar Constraints and 2D-2D Motion Estimation

Intro This blog is inspired by this great great book: 14 Lectures in Visual SLAM, authored by Dr. Gao Xiang et al. This article will walk you through 8-point algorithm when features lie on differe...

Docker Compose

Environment Variable Reading Through .env: TODO Through inline env variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 version: '3.8' services: app: image: your-image:latest environment: - USER...

Autonomous Vehicle Introduction

General Project Flow What the robot sees - Perception localization + mapping Navigation - Motion Planning Planning + control Autonomy Levels from SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) ...

Docker Image Building

Dockerfile, Image Management

Construct Of An Docker Image And Its Building Process A Docker image is like a box of Oreo. Its final image is like multiple Oreos (layer) stacked on top of each other. A layer could be built from...

C++ - Writing GTest for ROS

Test! Test! Test!

Concepts Google Test (a.k.a GTest) is an open source unit testing structure. From the official website Test Suite vs Test Case: A test suite contains one or many tests. You should group your t...

OpenCV and Eigen Tools

A Running List of Opencv and Eigen Tools

OpenCV Image Processing cv::Mat Create a cv::Mat In C++: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // method 1 cv::Mat(another_mat); // method 2 cv::Mat A = (cv::Mat_<uchar>(1,2)<<1,2); //CV_8U // method ...

Virtual Network Computing (VNC)

Graphical Desktop Environment

What is vncviewer vncviewer (virtual network computing) client allows one to interact with a remote computer’s graphical desktop environment. It’s run inside the docker. vncviewer Setup File Dir...

Robotics - Gauss Newton (GN) and Levenberg Marquardt (LM) Optimizers

Newton's Method, GN, LM optimizers

Newton’s Method Solving An Equation To find an arbitrary equation’s root $f(x) = 0$, We start from an arbitrary point $x_0$ that’s hopefully close to the solution, $x_s$ The main idea of Ne...

Robotics - Point Cloud Processing

Bruteforce KNN Search, KD Tree

Overview Here is a post about the LiDAR Working Principle and different types of LiDARs. One lidar model is the Range-Azimuth-Elevation model (RAE) Its ...