Rico's Nerd Cluster

「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」

Deep Learning - Mixed Floating Point Training

FP16, BF16, Mixed Precision Training

Refresher: Floating Point Calculation A floating point is represented as sign bit | exponent | mantissa. 0 | 10000001 | 10000000000000000000000 represents 6 because: Sign bit 0 represents posi...

Deep Learning - Speedup Tricks

Torch Optimizer Tricks, Mixed Precision Training

General Speed-Up Tricks If you look to use albumentations for augmentation, sticking to the [batch, H, W, Channels] (channel last) could make data loading faster tensor.contiguou...

Deep Learning - Common Oopsies

Underflow, Weight Manipulation

Underflow torch.softmax(X) X is zero due to underflow. Sizing Be careful with the last batch if you want to initialize any tensor that’s specific to each batch’s sizes, because it could b...

Deep Learning - Strategies Part 2 Training And Tuning

Bias And Variance, And Things To Try For Performance Improvement From My Experience

Orthogononalization Orthogonalization in ML means designing a machine learning system such that different aspects of the model can be adjusted independently. This is like “orthogonal vector” so th...

Deep Learning - Strategies Part 1 Before Model Training

Error Metrics, Data Preparation Principles, Transfer Learning, Multi-Task Learning

Start Your Development Early, Then Iterate Even after many years in speech recognition, Andrew still had some difficulties bringing up a speech recognition system that’s super robust to noises. So...

Deep Learning - Data Augmentations


Pre-processing Shuffle Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 shuffled_main_dataset = torch.utils.data.Subset( main_dataset, torch.randperm(dataset_size) ) # train_dataset is a Subset object # main_data...

Deep Learning - PyTorch Data Loading

RESNET-50 Data Loading, Data Transforms, Custom Data Loading

Dataset and Data Loading Data Set and Data Loading in All-Together In Torch In PyTorch, data is stored in the DataSet object. We can read input data all together, or read them one by one. Then, f...

Deep Learning - Bert

Masked Autoencoder (MAE) The main idea of the Masked Autoencoder (MAE) is to mask parts of an input (e.g., image features) and train a model to reconstruct the original input by leveraging the rem...

Deep Learning - Bert

Introduction Bert (BiDirectional Encoder Representation Transformer) is great for tasks like question-answering, NER (Named Entity Recognition), sentence classification, etc. Bert is not a transla...

Deep Learning - Neural Machine Translation

Hands-On Attention Project

Introduction And Data Preparation The goal of the project is experimenting with date translations, i.e., (“25th of June, 2009”) into machine-readable dates (“2009-06-25”). We need to truncate data...