Robotics - IMU Pre-integration Optimization Implementation

How To Integrate IMU Pre-Integration into G2O with Odometry and GNSS

Posted by Rico's Nerd Cluster on March 24, 2024

G2O Recap - What’s An Edge

A single edge is a “difference” between two conceptual entities. The entities are conceptual because they don’t need to map exactly to your implementation. For example, for certain reasons, we choose to set x and y coordinates as separate vertices. But now if we want to calculate the difference between two car poses using Euler Distance, conceptually, the edge represents dist(p2-p1), but the implementation will be:

L2(x1^2 + y1^2 - x2^2 - y2^2)

In G2O, an edge is a hyper edge. That is, you can congregate multiple “differences” together as a single “hyper difference”, with multiple vertices connecting to it. E.g., to compute the full pose difference, we can congregate Euler Distance and Angular Distance into a single vector together.

[Euler_diff, angular diff]

This formulation helps us vectorize error computation, so we can update them with linear updates all together.


Estimate Formulation

We formulate a simple two-frame g2o optimization framework based on the pre-integration trick and the associated Jacobian. Assume we have received two GNSS measurements, we put the measurements into GNSS frames A and B. Each frame has an estimate of: orientation, (x,y,z), velocity, gyro bias, and acceleration bias.

Frame is simply a datastructure that stores estimates of these variables. They need to be loaded into vertices for any optimization to start.

Orientation Estimates

When Frame A is first created, it gets an estimate from the GNSS. During Optimization. R is updated by these constraints (edges):

  • IMU Pre-integration Edge (EdgeInertial):
    1. Given the current gyro estimate, get the pre-integration rotation part: const SO3 dR = preint_->GetDeltaRotation(bg);
    2. Calculate the residual as error: $eR = dR^{-1} * R_i^T * R_j$
    3. For Update, the Jacobian of the residual w.r.t orientation update is: $J_r^{-1} (R_j^{-1} R_i)$
  • Note that we do update R in a pose estimate in Update_Constraint Edge (EdgePriorPoseNavState, based on the prior)
    1. const Vec3d er = SO3(state_.R_.matrix().transpose() * vp->estimate().so3().matrix()).log(); for the orientation update. Its Jacobian is:
       const Vec3d er = SO3(state_.R_.matrix().transpose() * vp->estimate().so3().matrix()).log();
       _jacobianOplus[0].block<3, 3>(0, 0) = SO3::jr_inv(er);    // dr/dr

Velocity Estimates

Each frame has a velocity estimate that starts at 0. When frame A is the most up-to-date frame, it does not get updated during the observation stage. It is updated during the optimization stage:

  • Odom edge (EdgeEncoder3D)
    • The residual (a.k.a error) is simply (velocity_estimate - v_linear_odom). velocity_estimate is the only vertex
    • For Update, the Jacobian of the residual w.r.t velocity_estimate is Identity.
  • IMU Pre-integration Edge
    • The residual is $r_{\Delta v_{i,j}} = R_i^T (v_j - v_i - g \Delta t_{i,j}) - \Delta \tilde{v}_{ij}$. So velocity_estimate of the current frame and the last frame are the vertices required
    • For Update, the Jacobian of the residual w.r.t velocity_estimate is $-R_i^T$ and $R_i^T$ for Frame A and Frame B respectively

At the next time, a new frame B is created. Frame A does not get updated during observation stage, but get updated udring the optimization stage:

  • IMU Pre-integration Edge (see above)
  • Update_Constraint Edge (EdgePriorPoseNavState, based on the prior)
    • Measures vertex(velocity_estimate) - velocity_estimate so the update on the vertex is not substantial. This edge has constraints on other variables to update: position, gyro bias, and acceleration bias.
    • For Update, the Jacobian of the residual w.r.t velocity_estimate is Identity.

Position Estimates

At time step B, only frame A is used for these constraints:

  • EdgeGNSS
    • Measures the difference in:
      1. derror_r = state_rotation^T * GNSS_rotation. This orientation update, but it’s integrated conveniently into SE(3)
      2. derror_p = state_position - GNSS_position
    • Jacobian:
      1. derror_r / d_{state_rotation} = (_measurement.so3().inverse() * v->estimate().so3()).jr_inv(); // dR/dR
      2. derror_p/d_{state_position} = I
  • Update_Constraint Edge (EdgePriorPoseNavState, based on the prior). Position is used in :
    1. const Vec3d ep = vp->estimate().translation() - state_.p_;
    2. Jacobian w.r.t $p_i$: ` dp/dp1 = -R1T.matrix();`

Frame B is used for:

  • IMU Pre-integration Edge(EdgeInertial)
    1. Calculate the delta position part according to the IMU: dp=preint_->GetDeltaPosition(bg, ba);
    2. Calculate the difference between the IMU position and the position from current state estimates (residual)const Vec3d ep = RiT * (p2->estimate().translation() - p1->estimate().translation() - v1->estimate() * dt_ - grav_ * dt_ * dt_ / 2) - dp;
  • EdgeGNSS (see above)

Gyro Bias Estimates

At the first GNSS frame, the gyro bias is created with the bg IMU initialization. options_.preinteg_options_.init_bg_.Then, for all subsequent frames, it gets updated in the optimization process. In two given frames A and B, the bias estimates are updated in these edges:

  • EdgeGyroRW
    • This edge is simply the difference between the gyro biases in two frames: bg_j->estimate() - bg_i->estimate().
    • The Jacobian is very intutitve: I for bg_j, and -I for bg_i
  • Update_Constraint Edge (EdgePriorPoseNavState, based on the prior)
    • There are multiple Jacobian of sub-residuals w.r.t bg. The sub-residuals include $dR$, $dP$, and $dV$
    • dR/dbg1 = -invJr * eR.inverse().matrix() * SO3::jr((dR_dbg * dbg).eval()) * dR_dbg; Note that above rotation residual eR and jacobian of the rotation part w.r.t bg have been calculated
    • dV/dbg1 = -dv_dbg. dv_dbg is updated in pre-integration: dV_dbg_ - dR_.matrix() * dt * acc_hat * dR_dbg_;
    • dP/dbg1 = -dp_dbg is also updated in pre-integration: dp_dbg = dP_dbg_ + dV_dbg_ * dt - 0.5f * dR_.matrix() * dt2 * acc_hat * dR_dbg_;

Acceleration Bias Estimates

Program Architecture

Upon receiving a new GNSS or odom update:

  1. Create a new frame object.
  2. Get an estimate of the current frame by $lastframe \oplus imupreintegration$
  3. Optimize
    • Add regular edges, like Prior edges, and pre-integration edges. Some examples include:
      • V: IMU Pre-integration Edge, between 2 GNSS frames ``` r_{\Delta v_{i,j}} = R_i^T (v_j - v_i - g \Delta t_{i,j}) - \Delta \tilde{v}_{ij}
        • For Update, the Jacobian of the residual w.r.t velocity_estimate is $-R_i^T$ and $R_i^T$ for Frame A and Frame B respectively ```
      • R:
        • IMU Pre-integration Edge()
            const SO3 dR = preint_->GetDeltaRotation(bg);
            eR = dR^{-1} * R_i^T * R_j
        • EdgePriorPoseNavState
            const Vec3d er = SO3(state_.R_.matrix().transpose() * vp->estimate().so3().matrix()).log();
            // Jacobian:
            const Vec3d er = SO3(state_.R_.matrix().transpose() * vp->estimate().so3().matrix()).log();
            _jacobianOplus[0].block<3, 3>(0, 0) = SO3::jr_inv(er);    // dr/dr
    • If this frame is a GNSS update: add an GNSS edge
    • If this frame is an Odom update: add an odom edge
        (current_frame_velocity_estimate - v_linear_odom)`
  4. Update the current frame