Deep Learning - Face Recognition Prelude

2D Frontalization, 3D Face Alignment

Posted by Rico's Nerd Cluster on February 23, 2022


DeepFace introduced a 3D alignment step that projects 2D face images into a frontal view [1]. This is called “frontalization”. A very cool 2D->3D problem. A frontal view is a view right in front of the face. When given a side view of the face, the face is warped. Some main methods include:

2D Frontalization

  • Pre-define 6 fiducials points (anchor points) of a frontal face.
    • centers of the eye (2 points)
    • Tip of the nose, etc (1 point)
    • Corners of the mouth (2 points)
    • Center of the mouth (1 point)
  • Detects 6 fiducial points (source points)
  • To find the final cropped image, from these 6 points, generate an estimate transformation [scale, rotation, and translation], apply it, detect the 6 points again, and repeat until no significant change detected in the 6 points’ locations.
  • [1] stated that 2D frontalization is bad for out-of-plane rotation (pitch and yaw)

The estimation is: \(\begin{gather*} x_j^{anchor} = sR x_J^{source} + t_x y_j^{anchor} = sR y_J^{source} + t_y ... \end{gather*}\)

We have 12 linear equations, so we can find parameters using Least-Squares. (Or RANSAC if we have more.). OpenCV’s cv2.estimateAffinePartial2D can do this

3D Alignment

The general process is:

  • First creates an 3D model of average of a large 3D face database
  • Try to map the 2D fiducials on the image onto the 3D model. That is:
\[\begin{gather*} s [u, v, 1] = K[R|t] [X, Y, Z, 1] \end{gather*}\]
  • K is assumed to be identity if it’s not known

This is a 2D-3D problem and we can formulate it as a PnP problem

[1] Taigman, Y., Yang, M., Ranzato, M. A., & Wolf, L. 2014. DeepFace: Closing the Gap to Human-Level Performance in Face Verification. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014, 1701-1708. DOI: