Why Exploding & Vanishing Gradients Happen
In a very deep network, output of each layer might diminish / explodes. This is mainly because layer outputs are products of $W_1W_2…x$ (ignoring activation for now)
Let’s pretend that the above is a very deep network ;), and each node has exactly the same weights. Then, the final output is on the order of $W^nx$. So if $W$’s elements are slightly over 1, outputs could explode. On the other hand, if $W$’s elements are slightly below 1, output could diminish to 0. In the batch gradient derivation, we saw how gradient at one layer depends on the gradient of its output through the chain rule: $\frac{\partial{J}}{\partial{w_i}}$. Since the output is exponential w.r.t any layer, this gradient is also “exponential”, intuitively.
\[\begin{gather*} \frac{\partial{J}}{\partial{w_i}} = \frac{\partial{J}}{\partial{\hat{y}}} \frac{\partial{\hat{y}}}{\partial{z}} \frac{\partial{z}}{\partial{w_i}} \end{gather*}\]Weight Initialization
Below is a summary from James’ Dilenger’s article Weight Initialization in Neural Networks: A Journey From the Basics to Kaiming
Let’s say we have a simple neural net like the one above. Each layer has 256 neurons, and the input is of size 256. We have 100 layers. Naively, without activation functions, if we initialize each layer randomly so that each weight has mean=0
, standard deviation=1
, it would look like:
import torch
x = torch.randn(256)
w = torch.randn(256, 256)
for i in range(100):
x = w@x
if torch.isnan(x.norm()): break
i #see 31
Assume we have normalized our inputs to mean=0
, unit standard deviation=1
. Then
In the above example, the kernel would have trouble even at layer 31! Why?!
Why Standard Normalization Wouldn’t Work
The above initialization technique would still cause the gradient to explode. This is because :
- The output vector $y$ at layer 1 has
,variance = 1
. - The standard deviation at each layer will keep growing.
To see what’s happening in this layer:
import torch
mean, var = 0, 0
for i in range(10000):
x = torch.randn(256)
w = torch.randn(256, 256)
y = w @ x
mean += y.mean().item()
var += y.pow(2).mean().item() # this is E[y^2] = var(y)
mean/10000, var/10000
Mathematically, this is because:
\[\begin{gather*} y = Wx = \begin{bmatrix} w_{1, 1} & ... & w_{1, 256} \\ ... \\ w_{256,1} & ... & w_{256, 256} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_1 \\ ... \\ x_{256} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} y_1 \\ ... \\ y_{256} \end{bmatrix} \end{gather*}\]In code, we can see that the mean is 0. This is because for independent variables $w$ and $x$:
\[\begin{gather*} E[wx] = E[w]E[x] = 0 \end{gather*}\]And the standard deviation is almost $\sqrt{256}$. This is because for a single product $wx$:
\[\begin{gather*} Var(wx) = E[(wx)^2] - E[(wx)] = E[(wx)^2] - 0 = E[w^2x^2] = E[w^2]E[x^2] = 1 \end{gather*}\]And for $y_i = w_{i1}x_{i} + … + w_{i, 256}x_{i}$, its mean is 0. If we talk about $y_i$’s variance, it would be 256, because:
\[\begin{gather*} Var(A + B) = E[(A+B)^2] = E[A^2] + 2E[A^B] + E[B^2] = E[A^2] + E[A^2] = 2 \end{gather*}\]Then, the variance of $Y$ across all $y_i$ is 256. The standard deviation of $y$ is 16. If y is a Gaussian distribution, this means 33.3% of y will lie outside of $[-16, 16]$.
In the next layer, the standard deviation will be amplified further and further.
Naive Initialization For Perceptron Networks
What about we make each layer’s weights so that each layer’s output vector $y$ has mean=0
, standard deviation = 1
? This way, the next layer’s $y$ will still be 1.
It’s quite simple to do that. Since:
\[\begin{gather*} Var(y) = Var(y_i) = w_{i1}x_{i} + ... + w_{i, 256}x_{i} \end{gather*}\]If we scale $W$’s variance by $\sqrt{1/256}$, problem solved, right? It seems so!
import torch
x = torch.randn(256)
w = torch.randn(256, 256)/16
for i in range(100):
x = w@x
if torch.isnan(x.norm()): break
i # see 99
Xavier Initialization
However, we have to add the non-linear activation back in so a neural net can classify complex patterns non-linearly in its landscape, such as handwritten digit classification.
In Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio’s paper: Understanding the difficulty of training deep feedforward neural networks, they believed one good way to initialize is to:
- Create uniformly distributed weights
- Normalized them to $\frac{\sqrt{6}}{\sqrt{n_i + n_{i+1}}}$, where $n_i$ and $n_{i+1}$ are “fan in” and “fan out” (number of inputs and outputs to the layer)
import math
import torch
def xavier(fan_in, fan_out):
weight = torch.empty(fan_in, fan_out)
w = torch.nn.init.uniform_(weight, -math.sqrt(6./(fan_in + fan_out)), math.sqrt(6./(fan_in + fan_out)))
return w
x = torch.randn(256)
for i in range(100):
w = xavier(256, 256)
x = torch.tanh(w@x)
x.mean(), x.std() # see (tensor(0.0047), tensor(0.0452))
He (Kaiming) Initialization
What if the activation function is ReLu? In his paper: Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification (ICCV, 2015) He Kaiming (何恺明) found that instead of scaling $\sqrt{1/n}$ (as in the naive scaling approach), we do $\sqrt{2/n}$, we could achieve good results. Why? Intuitively, half of the $y$ would turn to 0 after ReLu. So $y$’s variance will become half
Remarks On Zero Initialization
If our network’s weights are initialized all to 0, then the output is the same value regardless of inputs. Gradients will be zero everywhere. This is called “symmetry”. To break the symmetry, it’s okay to initialize W zero and not including b.
Also, if the output is 0 and uses the cross entropy loss, we will get inf
in the final cost.