Math - t-SNE

Posted by Rico's Nerd Cluster on February 7, 2017


van der Maaten, Geoff Hinton and Yoshua Bengio came up with “t-SNE” (pronounced as “tee-snee”) to reduce high dimensional data down to low dimensional data, so clusters between data is more easily seen. For example, if we have a 300-long vocabulary, we can plot them in 2D:

Source: Andrew Ng's RNN Class on Coursera

Algorithm Intuition

Below illustrations come from StatQuest’s Youtube Video

If we have some 2D data and want to reduce it to 1D, we can’t just project them on x/y axis. We have to move these points in 1D such that their pairwise relative distances are retained

  1. Calculate pairwise similarities between points
  2. Initialize positions of these points randomly on an axis.
  3. Move one point at a time on the 1D axis. For the specific point A, calculate its “net force” from all other points where:
    • if a point B is too “close” to A, A will be repelled to the other direction, by a small step. Otherwise, A will be attracted to B
  4. Repeat this process until no point moves.

Step 1: Calculate pairwise similarities between points

To calculate the similarity between point A and C,

  1. Calculate the “unscaled similarity”

    1. calculate their L2 Distance, d_{AC}
    2. Then, plug d into a gaussian distribution with a known standard deviation $\sigma_A$? and get an “unscaled similarity” \(\begin{gather*} exp(-d_{AC}^2/2\sigma_A^2) \end{gather*}\)
  2. Calculate the unscaled similarity between point A and all other points
  3. Scale the similarity by:
\[\begin{gather*} P_{C|A} = \frac{exp(-d_{AC}^2/2\sigma_A^2)}{\sum_{K \neq A} exp(-d_{AK}^2/2\sigma_{i}^2)} \end{gather*}\]
  • So if point A and C are low distance away from each other, their similarity value is low
  • The scaled similarity is also the conditional probability “give point A, how similar is C”
  • We never have negative distance values. So technically, we are using half of the Gaussian distribution ?

Why put them in a Gaussian Distribution in the first place?

Why is scaling necessary?

Because we want to have the same/similar similarity score if the same cluster becomes less dense at the same scale, as shown below.

Would the similarities A -> C and C -> A the same?

No. This is because the similarity score is finally scaled by A or C’s total distance to other points. If A or C has a lot of points really close to them, the denominator $\sum_{K \neq A} exp(-d_{AK}^2/2\sigma_{i}^2)$ would be large so the similarity values would be scaled down by quite a bit.

Eventually, we would end up with a similarity matrix

In this similarity matrix, the diagonal terms become 0 because the similarity between the point and its self is NOT considered in the scaling at all, (especially in the denominator)

How was standard deviations determined?

Step 3 Calculate Net Force

We use a Student-t distribution for the distance -> similarity calculation in the 1D space. Similarly, we can come up with a similarity matrix

So by moving one point along the 1D axis, we want the similarity matrix to ultimately look like the one from Step 1.


[1] van der Maaten, L., & Hinton, G. (2008). Visualizing Data using t-SNE. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 9(Nov), 2579-2605.