Positive Definiteness
A matrix is Positive definite when for any x:
\[\begin{gather*} x^T A x > 0 \end{gather*}\]For an nxn
real symmetric matrix. It’s equivalent to say “it’s positive definite” when:
- All eigen values are positive
- Imagine the case where one eigen value is $\leq 0$. Then, $v^T A v <=0$, which contradicts with the definition of positive definiteness.
- There exists a real invertible matrix C such that $A=C^{T}C$
- Using Eigen Value Decomposition: $A = V \Lambda V^{-1} = V \Lambda V^{T}$. Here, $V$ is an orthonormal matrix consists of A’s eigen vectors, $V$ consists of its corresponding eigen values.
- Using 1, since all eigen values are positive, $\Lambda = \sqrt{\Lambda}\sqrt{\Lambda^T}$.
- So, $A = V \Lambda V^{T} = (\sqrt{\Lambda} V^T)^T (\sqrt{\Lambda} V^T)$
Cholesky Decomposition (LLT Decomp.)
Definition: if $A$ is a symmetric positive definite matrix, there exists a unique lower triangular matrix L such that $A=LL^T$
L looks like:
\[L = \begin{pmatrix} l_{11} & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\ l_{21} & l_{22} & \cdots & 0 \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ l_{n1} & l_{n2} & \cdots & l_{nn} \end{pmatrix} \begin{gather*} \end{gather*}\]Let’s focus on 1 row for now:
\[\begin{gather*} A = \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & A_{21}^T \\ A_{21} & A_{22} \end{bmatrix} , L = \begin{bmatrix} l_{11} & 0 \\ L_{21} & L_{22} \end{bmatrix} , L^T = \begin{bmatrix} l_{11} & L_{21}^T \\ 0 & L_{22}^T \end{bmatrix} \end{gather*}\]So $a_{11}$, $l_{11}$ are scalars. Then, we can solve for $l_11$, $l_21$ by:
\[\begin{gather*} a_{11} = l_{11}^2 \\ A_{12}^T = l_{11}L_{21}^T \end{gather*}\]But we can’t solve for $A_{22}$ directly yet:
\[\begin{gather*} A_{22} = L_{21}L_{21}^T + L_{22}L_{22}^T \end{gather*}\]But, isn’t this ready for another LLT Decomposition?
\[\begin{gather*} A_{22} - L_{21}L_{21}^T \end{gather*}\]Voila, after solving for these iteratively, we get the LLT decomposition $A=LL^T$.
LLT Decomp. Variant - LDL Decomp.
The vanilla method above suffers from numerical instability from the square root operations. For the same A, one can do $A=LDL^T$, where L is a lower triangle matrix, D is a diagonal matrix with positive diagonal terms.
To give a feel:
\[\begin{gather*} A = LDL^T = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ L_{21} & 1 & 0 \\ L_{31} & L_{32} & 1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} D_1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & D_2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & D_3 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & L_{21} & L_{31} \\ 0 & 1 & L_{32} \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} \end{gather*}\]Then we get:
\[\begin{gather*} \begin{bmatrix} D_1 & 0 & 0 \\ L_{21} D_1 & L_{21}^2 D_1 + D_2 & 0 \\ L_{31} D_1 & L_{31} L_{21} D_1 + L_{32} D_2 & L_{31}^2 D_1 + L_{32}^2 D_2 + D_3 \end{bmatrix} \end{gather*}\]Based on $A$, unleashing the GPU power, we can solve:
- $D_1$
- $L_{21}$, $L_{31}$, …
- $D_2$
- $L_{32}$ …
- $D_3$…
I hate how some websites throw the math right at us. But with the above example, hopefully it’s a bit easier:
\[\begin{gather*} D_j = A_{j,j} - \sum_{k=1}^{j-1} L_{j,k}^2 D_k \\ L_{i,j} = \frac{ \left( A_{i,j} - \sum_{k=1}^{j-1} L_{i,k} L_{j,k} D_k \right) }{D_j} \quad \text{for } i > j \end{gather*}\]LLT Decomp. Variant - Block Cholesky Decomp.
Block Cholesky Decomp. is basically the same as the above, but just operate on block. It is mainly used in GPU. Here’s how:
- Choose a small size
for each block of A.
- Let’s start $A_{11}$ in the $L$ matrix:
- From $A=LL^T$, we get:
- For (1), We have chosen $r$ to be small enough, so $chol(A_{11})$ is relatively easy
- Then we can witness the GPU power for (2):
- For (3), once we get $S$, can go ahead and calculate $A’=\hat{A}-SS^T$. Again, this can be done by leveraging the almighty GPU power:
- Repeat the whole process again with $A’$
Why Bother With Matrix Decomps?
- Less storage space for data
- faster element-wise processing
- More numerical stability