Rico's Nerd Cluster

「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」

Robotics - A Survey On Oil Pipe Inspection Robotics (Revising)

Non-Destructive Testing Methods American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) develops standards for pipe inspections Ultrasonic Testing...

Robotics General Design Notes

What's New In ROS2

Software Structuring Build a simulation / dataset for debugging software is key. Otherwise, you will have a lot of overhead of on-robot hardware testing. Have three general feature f...

Robotics - Waveshare Rover Configuration

ROS2, Waveshare

Base Connection Turn on the rover Connect to the rover’s hotspot Connect to UGV Rover: (after connecting to the rpi) 1

Robotics - ROS2 Gazebo Differential Drive Onboard

ROS2, Gazebo

Install Gazebo 1 sudo apt install ros-iron-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-iron-gazebo-ros2-control Add A Launchfile File Directory: 1 2 ├── launch │ └── empty_world.launch.py mkdir launch s...

Robotics - ROS2 Basic Pub Sub Node

ROS2 Basics

Install ROS2 This is only to install ROS2-iron-desktop for quick desktop experiments. In general I’d like to use docker containers though. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22...

Robotics - Differences and Similarities Between ROS1 & ROS2

Similarities, Differences, Bag Conversions

Similarities Similar Constructs Both are based on a graph of nodes, topics, and services. In ros2, the user graph looks like: 1 2 3 4 ros2 node list ros2 topic list ros2 servic...

Robotics - 2024 3D Lidar Selection For Robotics

Livox, Unitree Lidars

This article is inspired by this YouTube video made by 大刘科普 Brief Overview Of How 3D LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) works There are 2 types of LiDARs: ToF LiDARs and FMCW LiDARs. The mainstr...

RGBD SLAM - Amazon SageMaker Usage Notes

Amazon SageMaker, EC2 Instances

Components IAM role: IAM (Identity Access Management) is a set of permissions that define what actions an entity (services, user, aplications) can do. A role uses temporary creds while a u...


Summary Of Nvidia Orin Nano Setup, Docker For General Machine Learning

Preparation Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit (8GB) MicroSD Card (128GB) My microSD card’s read and write speed can reach up to 140MB/s. An NVMe SSD could be 1500MB/s or more. So try ...

RGBD SLAM - Building A ROS 2 Docker Container For Object Detection

ROS 2 Docker Container For Object Detection Training And Inferencing

Dockerfile I installed jupyter notebook so I can experiment with it remotely. 1 2 3 4 # -U is to upgrade to the latest version RUN python3 -m pip install -U jupyter notebook # jupyter notebo...