Rico's Nerd Cluster

「离开世界之前 一切都是过程」

Robotics - A Survey On Oil Pipe Inspection Robotics (Revising)

Non-Destructive Testing Methods American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) develops standards for pipe inspections Ultrasonic Testing...

Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation] Ros2 Executor Callback Model

Executor, Callbacks, Rate Object

Executors TODO Callback groups In a ROS2 multi-threaded executor, being in a callback group is kind of like acquiring a multi-threaded lock to grant permission to fire. There are two groups: ...

Robotics - ROS2 Service

How to Bring Up a Service

Set up a ROS2 Service File ROS2’s ament build system does not support generating msg and srv files in pure python packages. So it’s a common practice to define an interface package that could be i...

Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation 3] ROS2 Build System

Various Things to Note For Building Dockerized ROS2 App

Build Tool A build tool operates on a set of packages determines the dependency graph invokes the specific build system for each package in topological order. for a specific package, knows ...

Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation 2] ROS2 in Docker

Various Things to Note For Building Dockerized ROS2 App

Networking Using --net=host implies both DDS participants believe they are in the same machine and they try to communicate using SharedMemory instead of UDP. So we need to enable SharedMemory b...

Robotics - [ROS2 Foundation - 1] DDS Notes

DDS, Zeroconf, IDL, FastRTPS, ROS2 Messaging Mechanism

What’s Middleware Middleware abstracts the complexity of managing communication, serialization, discovery, and other low-level functionalities, allowing developers to focus on application-level ...

Robotics General Design Notes

What's New In ROS2

Software Structuring Build a simulation / dataset for debugging software is key. Otherwise, you will have a lot of overhead of on-robot hardware testing. Have three general feature f...

Robotics - Waveshare Rover Configuration

ROS2, Waveshare

Base Connection Turn on the rover Connect to the rover’s hotspot Connect to UGV Rover: (after connecting to the rpi) 1

Robotics - ROS2 Gazebo Differential Drive Onboard

ROS2, Gazebo

Install Gazebo 1 sudo apt install ros-iron-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-iron-gazebo-ros2-control Add A Launchfile File Directory: 1 2 ├── launch │ └── empty_world.launch.py mkdir launch s...

Robotics - ROS2 Basic Pub Sub Node

ROS2 Installation, Packaging & Build System

Install ROS2 This is only to install ROS2-iron-desktop for quick desktop experiments. In general I’d like to use docker containers though. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22...